research article

Integrating Ideological and Political Education with Business English Teaching Contents in Higher Vocational Colleges

Authors: Wang Yanping*

*Corresponding Author: Wang Yanping, School of Vocational and Technical Education, South China Normal University, Foshan, Guangdong 528200, China

School of Vocational and Technical Education, South China Normal University, Foshan, Guangdong 528200, China

Received Date: 5 June 2022

Accepted Date: 9 June 2022

Published Date: 13 June 2022

Citation: Yanping W (2022) Integrating Ideological and Political Education with Business English Teaching Contents in Higher Vocational Colleges. Educ Res Appl 7: 197. DOI:


Ministry of Education has put forward that colleges and universities should adhere to requirements for all-round talent training to reinforce the effectiveness of ideological and political education. The vital goal of higher education is to foster character and civil virtue, instead of merely imparting of professional knowledge.

Contemporary college students should not only study hard and consolidate professional knowledge, but set up correct world outlook, view of life and values. Therefore, ideological and political education, which plays a crucial role in moral education, is of great importance in the realization of the goal of all-round education. In the process of talent training, higher vocational colleges must attach great significance to each teaching link, and integrate ideological and political education, especially core socialist values with all kinds of professional courses to enhance students’ national pride and stimulate their patriotic enthusiasm.

This paper has five parts. Part one is background and significance of research. Part two is the introduction of ideological and political education. Then is literature review of research on ideological and political education at home and abroad. After that is status quo of integrating ideological and political education with business English teaching contents in higher vocational colleges. And finally it brings forward some countermeasures to deal with status quo.

Keywords: Integration; Ideological and political education; Business English teaching contents; Higher vocational colleges

Background and significance of research

Background of research

China is now confronted with radical changes and a strategic overarching endeavour to realize the Chinese Dream for achieving rejuvenation of the Chinese nations. The combination of challenges and crises and opportunities, openness and complexity have become typical characteristics of the new era. In such a complex era, it is particularly vital for college students to correctly shape their world outlook, view of life and values. Therefore, China comprehensively enhances the education of ideology and politics. Ideological and political courses root in professional integrity, craftsmanship, patriotism, socialism with Chinese characteristics, which is the compulsory course for students’ growth and their future success. Ideological and political education is not only an epochal topic of our nation’s proactive planning and profound thinking, but also a significant problem that an individual has to face with. Significance of research

Theoretical significance

With the goal of boosting ideological and political education, our central government  has  put forward  the  requirement  that  the colleges and universities  should  adhere  to  the  requirement of all-round education in the whole process of talent training [1]. Imparting knowledge is a key task of higher education, and fostering character and civil virtue is of primary importance. While laying a solid foundation of professional knowledge, college’s students should establish correct world outlook, view of life and values to form their sound morality and perfect their personality. Accordingly, it is required that in the process of cultivating  talents more attention should be paid to ideological and political education in each teaching link, and practical teaching of all kinds of professional courses should be integrated with  the  education of socialist core values to enhance students’ sense of nation and inspire their patriotism. Ideological and political education is of great importance in cultivating all-round talents and realization of the goal of all-round education.

Currently, ideological and political research is an emerging research with few relevant results. This paper is a beneficial supplement to it. This paper, to some degree, can enrich the system of ideological and political education and help us rationally get a handle on ideological and political education of business English in higher vocational colleges, which can play a role of reference in business English and further offer the direction of the reform of ideological and political courses.

Practical significance

Firstly, it contributes to enrich the contents and innovate methods for business English teaching in higher vocational colleges, which are quite different from traditional ones where vocabularies and discourses are the focus. The integration of ideological and political education and teaching contents of business English has opened up a new road for the optimization  of business English teaching. Meanwhile, if the  teacher is adept in exploiting ideological and political themes behind textbooks   to consciously sublimate teaching  contents  in line  with  reality to arouse students’ interests and enlighten them to have critical thinking, the quality of business English class can be increasingly improved. In that case, the teacher will rethink his or her teaching design that is an effective contribution of the construction of business English.

Secondly, it is beneficial to comprehensively improve students’ level of ideology and morality. There is a phenomenon that students in higher vocational colleges generally have lower learning ability, lacking of political literacy and poor ability of self-discipline. Therefore, it is of great importance to cultivate them with patriotism and enthusiasm of learning, and improve their professional qualities. This research has important practical significance to the cultivation of talents and fostering character and civic virtue [2].

Thirdly, promoting students’ ideological and political level and improving their professional qualities are conductive to cultivating their objective understanding of occidental industries, cultures and histories to enhance students’ sense of identity of Chinese industry culture and deepen their cultural confidence and internalize it into patriotism in line with the training goal of talents in higher vocational colleges in the new era. Introduction of ideological and political education


Ideological and political education is a kind  of teaching  and educational idea rather than a specific course [3]. It is the integration of ideological and  political  course  with   all   kinds of courses, that is, to bring idea of talent training of fostering character and civil virtue into all types of courses so that professional learning and  ideological  and  political  education can be carried out at the same time. Its basic concept is that all the courses have multiple functions of imparting knowledge, cultivating competence and world outlook, view of life and values, helping students improve their moral quality and perfecting their personality [4]. Ideological and political education is a kind of education where teachers of various courses are good at making use of their own classes to accurately explore ideological and political elements and integrating those elements with professional knowledge to carry out  teaching design so as to get the utmost  of functions of ideological and political education, which also meets the demand of all-round education [5]. It is wrong to join ideological and political elements have nothing to do with courses in the process of knowledge teaching. Therefore, the teacher must make adequate preparation for teaching in advance to consciously explore ideological and political elements to have better teaching design and select effective teaching methods to cultivate business English talents with moral quality and unconsciously influence their characters.

According to our President Xi Jinping, it is the responsibility of colleges and universities to establish the grand ideological and political pattern via implementing teaching reform. The core of it is to take advantage of major channel of classroom, and adhere to in the improvement of ideological and political quality to enhance pertinence of it and meet the demand of students’ growth and their expectations. And all the courses should create a symbiotic system to cultivate students’ ideological and political awareness [2].


Ideological and political education is rich in contents, mainly including the following aspects. First of all, identifying education of socialist ideology, whose mainstream is Marxism, and its core is socialist core values. Students of business English major in higher vocational colleges are more exposed to the general situation of western counties and tend to ignore the identity of our own national ideology. Therefore, the professional courses should be integrated with national political system, economic basis, values and other aspects to boost students’ sense of identity and socialism to have the ability of thinking independently, international vision and firm and correct ideals and beliefs.

Moreover, patriotic education. Ideological and political education has been emphasized to carry out national spirit with patriotism at the core, which matters a lot in the inheritance of revolutionary spirit and national prosperity. Students of business English major in higher vocational colleges in the training and promotion of professional competences. Meanwhile, they should be immersed in patriotism and become outstanding technical and skilled talents endorsing for our country.

Then, education of excellent traditional culture. It is the inherent requirement of strengthening unswervingly confidence  in socialist culture. In the process of professional learning, it is easy for students of business English major to breed the psychology of worshiping foreign cultures as they are exposed to foreign cultures. The learning of traditional culture is indispensable for students of business English in higher vocational colleges, which is also an inevitable requirement of the development of the times. Ideological and political education plays a key role in the spreading excellent traditional culture and enhancing the pride of national culture.

Lastly, education of vocational quality. It is required that students of business English in higher vocational colleges should have broad international horizon, sound vocational ethics and cooperative spirit of group, sound moral code and code of conduct, good service philosophy, sense of responsibility, innovation and entrepreneurship, bear hardship, being honesty and trustworthy. During ideological and political education, training of students’ vocational quality is the key to realize the goal of students’ quality. Combination of education and vocational quality and training of vocational quality is necessary for cultivating inter-disciplinary talents for international business English.


As a strategic measure, ideological and political education matters a lot in fostering character and civil virtue. In 2016, President Xijinping proposed that throughout education processes there should be ideological and political education. And all kinds of courses should be in the same direction of it to form synergistic effectiveness. In the same year,  the  CPC  Central  Committee and State Council put forward the guidance of ideological value through every link of education and teaching. In 2017, Ministry  of Education issued documentaries to state the requirements of implementing ideological and political education. Since then, local government has actively explored teaching reform with native characteristics in colleges and universities to implement the requirements. By 2020, the objectives, contents, requirements of teaching and evaluation system, detailed and operational guidance for the combination of ideological and political  education  and all kinds of courses are clearly stipulated. As an important part of higher education, the above basic ideas and value orientation are also applied to higher vocational colleges to actively explore design and construction of teaching in practice [6].


With interdisciplinary characteristics, in the professional teaching of business English, the integration of ideological and political education with contents has great significance.

In the first place, it further enriches the contents of talent training scheme of business English. Although it is slightly different, the goals and specifications of talent training are almost the same as universities. Talent training scheme of business English emphasizes the main line of English at the core of international communication ability and operational ability, which aims to cultivate high-tech skilled talents who are familiar with international business practices and processes, having a good master of comprehensive pragmatic competence, intercultural communication in concrete business environment and the capability of sustainable development with firm idea and faith, all-round development, international horizon, sound humanistic quality, professional ethics, innovative awareness. Merging ideological and political education with business  English teaching contents  is in line with the training objectives and requirement of talents specifications in the training program for business English majors in higher vocational colleges, which is a necessary supplement to the training mode.

Furthermore, it enriches teaching contents of business English majors in higher vocational education. On one hand, adding ideological and political elements to professional courses of business English makes it more substantial. On the other hand, it can make up for the lack of ideological and political courses    in higher vocational colleges [7]. From identifying education of socialist ideology, education in patriotism, outstanding traditional culture to education of professional quality, all these ideological and political elements greatly enrich teaching contents of professional classes to improve students’ ideological and political literacy as well as professional literacy of business English.

Finally, it improves students’ knowledge structure of business English majors in higher vocational colleges. The close international exchanges and contacts have put forward higher requirement for talents of business English majors. To cultivate compound talents with high-tech skills with modern teaching mode answers the call of the times. The integration of ideological and political education transforms the single knowledge structure of students into a three-dimensional knowledge structure, which conforms to the fundamental requirements of our country for whom higher vocational education should cultivate, how to cultivate and for whom to cultivate [1].

Necessity and feasibility Necessity

Ideological and political education is an essential requirement of talent training in higher vocational colleges, hence it is of great necessity to merge ideological and political elements with business English teaching contents.

On June 5th, 2019, Ministry of Education put forward that there are two talent training goals. One is to cultivate students’ spirit of innovation and ability of practice, and the other is to carry out ideological and political education to foster characters and civil virtue. The guidance makes specific requirement of promoting curriculum provision, construction of teaching and selection of teaching materials. As for curriculum provision, it is suggested that ideological and political education should be included into compulsory courses in higher vocational education. In terms of construction of teaching, it is required that higher vocational colleges should merge ideological and political education with professional courses to realize the goal of fostering character and civil virtue in all-round aspects. With reference to the selection   of teaching materials, higher  vocational  colleges  are  required  to use  unified textbooks of ideological  and  political education  to strengthen the education of advanced socialist culture with Chinese characteristics [8].

Students of higher vocational education are at the crucial moment of the shape of world outlook, view of life and values who have active thoughts and are easily influenced by the outside world. If they lack correct ideological guidance, they may suffer ideological deficiency and become undermined. It is high time that students of higher vocational colleges should learn professional knowledge and enhance their ideological and moral quality in the process of learning to set clear learning goals and lofty ideals. In the final analysis, what students learn through language learning is culture and thinking mode. Therefore, during business English learning, students will inevitably be effected by western ideas. Furthermore, most of original teaching materials of business English aim to introduce foreign cultures and promote foreign products, rarely involving contents with Chinese characteristics, which is unfavourable to enhance student’s cultural confidence [7]. Such status quo requires business English teachers to consciously introduce ideological and political ideas and design targeted classroom activities so that students can bear in  mind to focus   on the development of China to enhance national confidence and pride while learning [9].


Business English learning enable students to improve their linguistic ability and broaden their international horizon to obtain relevant knowledge and skills in business field and ability to freely conduct intercultural communication. In the process of knowledge learning, students are inevitably to deal with operational modes and culture of entrepreneurs of both at home and abroad. Moreover, they have to analyze national conditions and cultures of different counties through authentic cases. In that case, what business English teachers need to do is to impart students with correct values to make them rationally view characteristics of business culture and make just judgement of business ethic issues, rather than following the herd. Hence business English teachers should try their best to combine ideological and political education with business English courses so that students can practice core socialist values in vivid business cases and observe the business society in an objective perspectives [10]. Literature review

Research on moral education abroad

There is no the concept of ideological and political education abroad, but there are all kinds of moral education. As early as in ancient Greece, Socrates argues that ideological education could be carried out through discussion and question and answer. Herbart, the Father of modern pedagogy, advocates combining intellectual education with moral education. While Marx holds the view that education must overcome people’s isolated thinking mode as there are complex social relations among people, so education should set out from the whole. Sukhomlinskii, Soviet educator, proposes that we should always pay attention to the spiritual world of children and dedicate our whole soul to them [11].

Almost all the counties agree that one of the primary duties of schools is to conduct moral education. A typical example is A Nation at Risk-the Imperative of Educational Reform of America issued in 1983 pointed out that the country should put moral education in pivotal position [12]. In 1987, President Reagan addressed that schools should strengthen education of patriotism, self-cultivation,  morality,  discipline  to   carry   out   education of cultivating state talents. In order to ensure the continuous development of its economy, Japan thinks highly of moral education, and considers it as the core of its educational goals [13]. In 1990s, Britain formally promulgated and implemented Moral Education Outline, from which it clearly stipulated values and moral education of schools during its development [14]. Research on ideological and political education in China

Ideological and political education was first put forward by Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government in 2014. Since then, many scholars have studied and defined the concept  of it. It is a comprehensive teaching concept, rather than an independent course [4]. It is the curriculum concept [15] and a new concept that effectively integrates the teaching of professional knowledge and the function of bearing ideology and politics [16]. The ultimate goal of integrating ideological and  political education with teaching contents of other subjects is to make up the shortcomings of ideological and  political courses [17]. It is  the implementation of fostering character and civil virtue [18]. Ideological and political education is the integration of curriculum contents of various majors in colleges and universities with moral education [19].

And some scholars focus on the significance of ideological and political education [20, 21, 22]. They reckon that reinforcement of ideological  and political work is the  target  of  ideological  and political education and to take full responsibilities of the implementation of imparting knowledge and cultivating people of all kinds of courses to improve the level and quality of ideological and political works. It embodies the value of a particular category. In the process of teaching, teachers should find out moral factors, humanistic quality and ideological and political elements to guide students to purposefully practice core socialist values. And some declare that the concept of collaborative education should be established to create the main body of it, and the mainstream of collaborative education should be constructed [23].

The status quo of integrating ideological and political education with business English teaching contents in higher vocational colleges

In the specialist subjects of business English major in higher vocational colleges, English is a key intermedia of culture. And the integration offers students an environment and a platform to establish firm ideals and beliefs when learning western values, politics, economy, cultures and other ideologies so as to realize the all-round functions of professional teaching. However, due to various factors, there are still a lot of rooms to be improved in the integration.

Imperfect curriculum system and unified standards of assessment and evaluation

To some degree, the contents of moral education lack of characteristics of vocational education, and the teaching form of integrating moral and professional courses is still at the initial stage. And some problems should be addressed now, such as allocation of class hours, arrangement of teaching contents, unification of teaching objectives and formulation of teaching syllabus. Due to the lack of perfect curriculum system, teachers of business English major in higher vocational colleges are facing with the situation of when and how to start ideological and political education.

Standards of assessment and evaluation are the basics of monitoring teaching effects. The degree of students’ mastery of ideological and political part of business English  teaching  and the effect of professional teachers’ teaching  about  ideological and political knowledge are all important inspecting points that need to be considered. Should unified standards of assessment and evaluation be carried out based on the criteria of business English courses, or to use specific standard for ideological and political part needs further discussion [24].

Unreasonable structure of teachers

In higher vocational colleges, it is often the case that the  teachers who give ideological and political courses lack of professional qualities of business English teaching. And teachers who are in charge of business English courses are not matched with professional qualities for ideological and political courses.

The teaching staffs of “ideology and politics + profession” need to be cultivated and expended [24].

Problems in “the first class”

As the main channel, theoretical courses of ideology and politics are “the first class” to implement ideological and political education. The construction of “the first class” and the concept of teaching quality supremacy are good ways to promoting ideological and political education. However, for a long period, our ideological and political teaching mode is single. There is no difference in any ideological and political class, though there are tens of thousands of teachers and teaching materials [25]. The discourse that the teachers addressed is full of empty words divorced from reality. Their tone is dull and their speed is slow without paying any attention to artistic methods, which result in poor teaching efficiency, let alone achieving ideological and political goal.

Improper ways of ideological and political education

Merging ideological and political education with business English teaching contents is quite different from professional courses of ideology and politics. During teaching, there exits some improper comprehension of ideological and political education, where much attention is paid to students’ input of theoretical knowledge, and unclear definition of ideological and  political education.  As a result, higher vocational colleges are facing awkward situation when dealing with integration of ideological and political education with business English teaching contents. The idea of ideological and political education brings an opportunity for the reform of ideological and political courses in higher vocational education and can play a part in fundamental mode of fostering character and civil virtue. However, it is worth noting that in business English teaching, ideological and political education should be avoided from being specialized ideological and political courses. Furthermore, ideological and political elements should not be forced into professional teaching. What a business English teacher needs to do is to conduct ideological and political education properly while imparting business English knowledge to influence students’ characters by environment.

Countermeasures of integrating ideological and political education with business English teaching contents in higher vocational colleges Reinforcement of top-level design and perfection of evaluation mechanism

The Party Committee of school assumes the main responsibilities in reinforcing ideological and political education. It is necessary for the Party Committee to perform well in top- level design of ideological and political construction and strength leadership of it to put ideological and political work and the fundamental task of fostering characters and  civil  virtue  into   the whole process of school education and teaching. And it is necessary to  merge  ideological  and  political  education   with its system of ideology and politics and education mechanism according to characteristics of higher vocational education to have unified planning, implementation and evaluation. To establish working pattern of ideological and political education with distinctive characteristics under the unified leadership of the party committee and departments of educational affairs. To reinforce the construction of ideological and political education as a whole to form the joint force of education and enhance the synergistic effect of education during the process of moral cultivation. Its ultimate goal is to cultivate all-round talents with equal stress on morality and ability.

It is a systematic project to propel ideological and political construction and form synergistic effectiveness on education to jointly complete the fundamental task of fostering character and civil virtue [24]. Therefore, matched evaluation system is necessary. Ideological and political education is a kind of invisible and internal education. And it is hard to measure whether the targets of ideological and political education have been achieved through business English teaching and whether teaching design of ideological and political education is effective are depended on whether students can absorb the knowledge they have learned to produce positive changes in their thoughts and behaviors. And these changes arethe hard nuts to be measured by quantitative measurement. Thus, both formative evaluation and summative evaluation can be adopted for business English courses. For example, as for comprehensive business English courses, presentations, English speeches, group discussions, reports, PPT making and hand-copied newspapers can be adopted to display students learning achievements, which can be assessed through formative evaluation [26].

Assessment of students’ performance in learning of each unit, participation in classroom activities, their achievement and emotional changes can be done with formative assessment. Self- evaluation, peer-evaluation and teachers’ evaluation can be adopted at the same time. With regard to students’ self-evaluation, they become the owner of evaluation instead of being passively accepted teachers’ evaluation. In terms of peer-evaluation, students can be divided into several groups, and conducting evaluation according to the criteria made by their teachers. Also evaluation of teachers plays a key role. The teachers should have continual observation, records and reflection to offer concrete  and targeted comments  to motivate students. Questionnaire can be also used to acquire students’ learning experiences, point out problems and deficiencies in teaching design and make adjustments and modifications. In brief, evaluation mechanism needs to combine ideological and political elements, linguistic knowledge and business knowledge, which has both explicit knowledge assessment and implicit thought evaluation.

Cultivation and requirements of business English teachers

Business English teachers are the implementer of ideological and political education who play a key role in professional teaching[24]. As business English teachers, they can make contribution to ideological and political education as below.

First of all, to improve business English teachers’ ideological and political qualities and strengthen the training of teachers. Higher vocational colleges should actively carry out training programs through developing professional team to train faculty, school-level, municipal level and provincial level training, and  the training will be included into the annual assessment indicators of business English teachers to cultivate their “ideological and political +” teaching ability [24].

Furthermore, business English teachers in higher vocational colleges should repeatedly study and explore teaching materials  to have an insight into ideological and political elements. Professional teaching of business English is not a pure ideological and political course, but to thoroughly merge ideological and political elements into professional teaching contents to realize the goals of professional teaching and the functions of enhancing students’ professional competences.

Finally, the teacher should make fully preparation for each lesson and focus on teaching design to optimize the function of ideological and political education. Making sound preparation is the prerequisite of a sound class, which is the beginning of a lesson [24]. During preparation, the teacher ought to attach importance to teaching design, such as selection of teaching contents, arrangement of teaching activities, schedule of teaching time, inspection of teaching effects and the like. Meanwhile, more attention should be paid to the interaction among the teacher and students to maximize the effects of ideological and political education.

Construction of “the second classroom”

Business English teachers should make full use of “the second classroom” activities. In the ideological and political education, “the first class” refers to these with unified teaching materials and syllabuses, fixed requirements for credit and compulsory courses, such as Ideological and Moral Training and Chinese Modern History. While “the second classroom” is different from it, which is the supplement of “the first class”. “ The second classroom” refers to these ideological and political  education  that are featured with the integration of forces inside and outside the school, such as government, society,  enterprises,  schools  and parents [27]. Based on on-campus teaching resources and education methods to constantly enhance students’ comprehensive quality to adapt to the contemporary society and fostering their all-round development, whose implementation sites are not limited to the campus. Nowadays, Attention of higher vocational colleges are increasingly paid to “the second classroom”. Business English teachers can guide students to social investigation, carry out competitions with related topics and organize regular lectures to enrich activities of “the second classroom”. On one hand, student’s interests in professional learning can be aroused in “the second classroom”. On the other hand, it can naturally integrate ideological and political elements into activities to deepen the function of ideology and politics.

Proper means of integration

Firstly, adhere to student-centered philosophy, and optimize contents of ideological and political education according to students’ characteristics. Ministry of Education requires higher vocational education to implement the task of fostering character and civil virtue, and make all kinds of teaching in line with the law of education and talent developing mode to promote students’ all-round development [28]. Therefore, in the process of teaching, it must be student-oriented and meet their demands of view of life and values, qualities and abilities according to their psychological dynamics. Psychological features and demands are different among freshman, sophomore and junior. Freshman have not enough professional knowledge and social value. Sophomore may be lax about learning, while business English learning requires persistence. As for junior, they may pay more attention to graduation and employment, and are confused about their future.

Take freshman students as an example, higher vocational colleges can conduct professional education according to their future positions to have the first well lesson of freshman term. For instance, teaching the course of English Translation, the teacher can organize students to watch video clips of translation in press conference of NPC and Sino-US trade negotiation to let them know China is a large trading country, and import and export play an important role in our country’s development. In business work, modern business talents with business operational skills and fluent English communication skills. In this way, students’ patriotism will be aroused and like their majors, which is helpful to guide them to set up correct view of life and values, to have a better understanding about social value of learning business English knowledge to achieve ideological and political goal.

Secondly, explore ideological and political resources and find integration point of it. In May 2020, Guiding Outline Construction of Ideological and Political Courses issued by Ministry of Education points out that it is necessary to solve the two problems of professional education and ideological and political education, to take education and teaching as the fundamental work and to explore ideological and political resources of all kinds of courses and teaching methods. In fact, each professional course has its own contents of emotion, attitude and values, such as humanistic qualities, scientific attitude, rational thinking, innovative consciousness, craftsmanship spirit and so on. These are the starting point and objective of ideological and political education.

Thirdly, professional teachers and ideological and political teachers implement a lesson together. On one hand, professional teachers who are familiar with teaching materials and professional knowledge, but are limited by their own  majors and do not  have a deep understanding of ideological and political theory. On the other hand, ideological and political teachers lack of professional knowledge and experience of authentic business experience, which  is hard for them  to  address  a  vivid  class.   Therefore, the construction of one ideological and political course by a professional teacher and an ideological and political teacher is a highly complementary model, which can extremely reinforce the effectiveness of ideological and political education.


Ideological and political education matters a lot in talent training in higher vocational colleges, while talent training can not be conducted without correct ideological guidance. The integration of ideological and political education with business English teaching contents in higher vocational colleges is conducive to setting up sound world outlook, view of life and values to enhance their professional knowledge and skills and their ideological awareness. Meanwhile, it benefits teachers, since they can improve their ideology who have to advance themselves as they have to cultivate students’ international horizon and their patriotism.

The first part of this paper is background and significance of research. Secondly, it offers detailed information about ideological and political education. Then is literature review of ideological and political education at home and abroad. After that is status quo of integrating ideological and political education with business English teaching contents in higher vocational colleges. And finally it brings forward countermeasures to deal with status quo.

There are some limitations in this paper, for instance, due to the constraints of condition, the status quo is mainly from literature review and relevant websites and few on-the-spot investigations in higher vocational colleges. Furthermore, ways of integration of ideological and political education with business English teaching contents in higher vocational colleges can be perfected.


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