case report

The Health of Community-Residing Elderly Study: Effectiveness of Health in Movement, an Adapted Physical Activity Program, in Improving Psychophysical Performance in Community-Residing Older Adults

Iride Ghezzi1,2, Gianluca Giardini1, Alessandro Lesmo1, Stefano Daverio1, Fabrizio Pregliasco3,4*

1Foundation of the Istituto Sacra Famiglia ONLUS, Cesano Boscone, Milan, Italy

2Cenci Gallingani ONLUS Foundation, Cesano Boscone, Milan, Italy

3University of Milan, Italy

4Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute (IRCCS), Milan, Italy

*Corresponding author: Fabrizio Pregliasco, University of Milan, Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute (IRCCS), Milan, Italy

Received Date: 09 December 2020; Accepted Date: 16 December 2020; Published Date: 22 December 2020,

Citation: Ghezzi I, Giardini G, Lesmo A, Daverio S, Pregliasco F (2020) The Health of Community-Residing Elder ly Study: Effectiveness of Health in Movement, an Adapted Physical Activity Program, in Improving Psychophysical Performance in Community-Resid ing Older Adults. Sports Injr Med: 4: 166. DOI: 10.29011/2576-9596.100066


The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between cognitive function and an Adapted Physical Activity (APA) program in community -residing older adults. The study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The final study sample was 60 adults who received either APA plus cognitive training (experimental group, n=34) or APA alone (comparison group, n=26) for 75 minutes per sess ion twice weekly for 12 weeks. A test battery to evaluate executive function and cognitive skills was performed before (baseline) and after the intervention. Significant differences in motor and cognitive performance were observed between the two groups at the final assessment. The expe rimental group was noted to have improved mobility, physical performance, and pain symptoms, as well as cognitive competencies in the domains typically affected by cognitive decline with advancing age such as memory, orientation, and fine motor skills.


Aging; Cognitive decline; Cognitive exercises; Dual task; Physical exercise


Recent decades have seen a rapid increase in aging population and in the burden of disability and dependence associated with chronic, debili tating degenerative disease. Maintaining functional independence has become a key priority in the health care of the elderly [1-6]. Although ph ysical inactivity is widespread in the general population, it is especially prevalent among the elderly as a consequence of aging [7-9]. The re sult is age-related physical decline and decreased quality of life [10]. This situation can be reversed, however, through regular engagement in an Adapted Physical Activity (APA) program. Physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and to prevent chronic, degenera tive illnesses [11,12]. There is ample evidence that physical exercise produces not only physical and psychological benefits in the elderly but also improves cognitive abilities [13]. APA programs can provide a diverse population, including frail older adults, with the opportunity to en gage in physical activity appropriate for their ability and individual needs. The core concept of APA is that the physical effort and training required are adjusted to the individual’s characteristics and disabilities.

Numerous studies have shown that maintaining physical fitness can delay senescent decline [14,15]. The idea of combining cognitive and motor training rests on the relationship between cognitive and motor function [16-19]. Cognitive rehabilitation is increasingly employed to address cognitive problems in adults and healthy older persons [20-25] or those with traumatic brain injury. The aim is to restore normal functioning and/or to reduce the risk of cognitive loss or decline [26-44].

The present study reports the results of the “Health of Community-Residing Elderly” project that promoted lifestyle changes for improving the health and quality of life of older persons. The exercise program intervention was based on the principles of APA originally developed in Canada [44], APA is carried out in group sessions that include free-body exercises and body weight exercises with light equipment appropriate for the individual’s capacity. Functional evaluation was performed to monitor improvement in physical performance and ability to perform activities of daily living. The study aim was to determine the efficacy of the APA program combined with cognitive training in improving physical performance and cognitive abilities in a group of community-residing older adults.

Materials and Methods

Study Design

This single, blind quasi-experimental study was carried out for 12 weeks; assessment was performed at the beginning (baseline) and at the end of the study. The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of Milan. In accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration, informed consent was obtained from all participants.


The study was part of the “Health of Community-Residing Elderly” project carried out through the “Health in Movement” services. The services are delivered at two facilities, Cesano Boscone and Settimo Milanese, province of Milan, by the Fondazione Sacra Famiglia onlus, a not-for-profit healthcare organization which, for the past 12 years, has provided care to over 2000 persons with disabilities and the elderly at 18 centers throughout the country. The project was created in partnership with the Fondazione Cenci Gallingani onlus, Cesano Boscone, an organization that promotes the delivery of services and development of research in geriatrics. Operated since 2012, the service is attended by over 150 users participating in biweekly group sessions (15 persons per group) at gyms where workouts are performed on large (staircase, parallel bars, wall bar) and small (foams balls, small foam balls, sticks, ankle/wrist weights, elastic bands, minibike) equipment specific for APA. For the study the subjects that started for the first time the activity proposed by the service were enrolled. Inclusion criteria were: age over 60 years, residing in the community, and ability to walk unassisted. Exclusion criteria were: uncontrolled comorbidities, cognitive decline or need for assistance in performing activities of daily living (ADL). The medical examinations were performed by the medical staff of the rehabilitation unit of the Fondazione Sacra Famiglia onlus, while functional evaluations and training programs were carried out to the participants by trained graduates in physical education (kinesiologists). Participants received APA in combination with cognitive training (experimental group, Cesano Boscone facility) or APA alone (comparison group, Settimo Milanese facility). The study protocol for the experimental group consisted of mobility and strength training of the upper and lower limbs, static and dynamic balance exercises, muscle coordination and resistance exercises, with particular focus on respiratory education and thoracic mobility with breathing exercises. The experimental group also received cognitive training for spatiotemporal orientation, short-term and autobiographical memory, semantic verbal games, and fine motor skills. The comparison group received an APA intervention that included general mobility exercises, static and dynamic balance, and strengthening of skeletal muscles. Data from participants who had attended less than 80% of sessions were not included in the analysis. Participation in the study was voluntary. No compensation was offered for participation.

Sessions were conducted twice a week for 12 weeks from March to May 2016. Each session lasted 75 minutes and took place in a dedicated setting. The activities were carried out in two groups of 15 participants each, alternating two workout routines per session. Workout routines comprised exercises for improving balance, muscle strength, mobility, and resistance. The program was standardized so that exercise difficulty could be progressed for both the experimental and the comparison group over the course of the 12 weeks. Training also included respiratory education with breathing exercises such as pursed lip breathing, breathing through a straw, bubble blowing, diaphragmatic breathing, and expiration muscle strengthening. The exercise protocols provide for differences in intensity levels for the experimental group ranging from 45-80% of the maximum heart rate compared to the comparison group ranging from 45-60% of the maximum heart rate. The exercises carried out and outlined in Appendix 1 have been performed following the indications and the attention to safety described in the text of Best-Martini and DiGenova [45].

The experimental group received cognitive training during dual tasks. Cognitive training addressed three major domains of ADL. Different combinations of motor and cognitive activities were performed during each session. The dual tasks comprised strength and balance exercises together with cognitive exercises or combined exercises. During each session a cognitive skill was illustrated and stimulative activities carried out to improve attention, autobiographical memory, informal reality orientation therapy techniques to improve spatiotemporal skills, fine motor movement, and executive function of coordination and control of movement, together with verbal descriptive procedures in progressively increasing difficulty (Appendix 2,3 in the Supplementary Material). All participants underwent assessment at the first (baseline) and the last session.


A test battery to assess cognitive and functional abilities was administered at baseline. Assessment comprised clinical evaluation of physical fitness and administration of the Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults (MBQOA) [46]. The MBQOA investigates the level of recent physical activity (past 12 months) with regard to sports, leisure, and domestic activities (with 10 items), where the higher the scores the higher the level of physical activity. A score of 3.19 was selected to differentiate sedentary from non-sedentary participants corresponding to more than three hours per week of activity in other physical activities. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment test (MoCA) [47] was administered to evaluate the level of mild cognitive impairment. The test investigates with ten items the cognitive domains of attention and concentration, executive function, memory, language, visuospatial ability, abstraction, calculation, and orientation. The test takes 10 minutes to complete; the maximum score is 30, where a score <26 indicates mild cognitive impairment. For the purposes of the present study, the test domains were analyzed one to one and the clock-drawing test score, which is included in MoCa test, was used to screen for mild dementia. The abdominal circumference was measured for all subjects. This parameter is the minimum circumference between the rib cage and the navel, with the subject standing and with relaxed abdominal muscles. The abdominal circumference was evaluated with a common metric tape, not elastic, positioned at the level of life, according to a horizontal plane parallel to the floor. Life is the narrowest part of the abdomen and is normally just above the upper portion of the lateral border of the iliac crest. If this area is not well evident, the measurement is taken at the navel level. The BMI Body Mass Index was also measured to evaluate the adiposity of the participating subjects. The 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) was used to measure functional exercise capacity and independence. This submaximal exercise test entails measurement of total distance (25 meters) walked over a span of 6 minutes at the test-taker’s preferred speed with or without pauses or the use of a walking aid. The vital parameters measured during the test were the heart rate and the percentage of oxygen saturation. Max heart rate was determined using the maximum expected for age. For the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test [48], the test-taker sits in a standard height armchair with his/her back against the chair back. On the command “go,” the test-taker rises from the chair, walks 3 meters at a comfortable and safe pace, turns, walks back to the chair and sits down. Timing begins at the instruction “go” and stops when the test-taker is seated. For the TUG-Dual Task (TUG-DT), as described above, the test-taker is given verbal instructions to stand up from a chair, walk 3 meters as quickly and safely as possible, cross a line marked on the floor, turn around, walk back, and sit down, while reciting the days of the week backward starting from Sunday. Test-takers are not allowed to stop if they make an error. The number of words, steps, errors, and words per unit of time were recorded. The Dual-Task-Cost (DTC) was calculated for each DT-TUG as follows: [(difference between the TUG Single Task (ST-TUG) and the DT-TUG performance)/TUG performance] ×100. Two examiners conducted the TUG-DT, with one recording the time and number of steps needed to complete the test, and the other recording the number of errors. Participants performed one trial to familiarize themselves with the test procedure.

Cognitive testing was performed in a quiet, empty room; the examiners had received training in administering the tests. Abdominal circumference and elbow mobility in flexion were measured at the beginning and the end of the study to evaluate changes during the course of the study. None of the physical examinations performed before and after the intervention posed any risk for the study participants; all procedures were part of the standard operating procedures of the Health in Movement service. Physical performance was evaluated with the 6MWT and the TUG. Cognitive performance was evaluated with the TUGDT. Improvement in pain symptoms during ADL was measured using the Visual Analogy Scale (VAS) for pain. The VAS for pain consisted of a horizontal line anchored at one end with the words “no pain” and at the other end with the words “worst pain imaginable (or with equivalent graphic symbols).

At the final assessment physical and cognitive changes over baseline (T0) were measured on the MoCA, joint mobility of the should girdle was measured (maximum elbow flexion angle) using a goniometer, abdominal circumference, and total attendance at the APA sessions.

Statistical Analysis

Descriptive statistics was used to estimate the parameters; t test was applied to compare baseline charactistics. A 2x2 ANOVA model was constructed to examine the effects of the intervention between groups, between subjects (DT training, ST training), time (pre- and post), and within subjects for each dependent variable. The chi-square test was applied to compare percentage. The level of significance was set at P=0.05. SPSS version 24.0 (SPSS-IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for statistical analysis.


Table 1 reports the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the study sample; there were no differences between the two groups using t-test at baseline. Table 2 reports the scores for each group before and after the intervention.

Comparison between the groups showed significant differences in VAS pain scores, with a more pronounced, statistically significant improvement observed for the experimental group; no statistically significant differences were noted in abdominal circumference and BMI pre-post program. Regarding shoulder mobility there were differences between before and after treatment but no difference between the two groups.

Comparison of pre- and post-intervention values showed statistically significant differences in the 6MWT scores with a higher statistically significance value for experimental group. There was an improvement in number of rises the TUG test; however, the between-group differences were not statistically significant. A reduction in the TUG test go time was not even statistically evident between the two groups or even pre-post treatment.

The DTC was improved with statically significance for both groups, with a greater improvement noted for the experimental group but with no statistically difference.

A statistically significant improvement in was observed between pre and post treatment, similar in both groups.

MoCA test and the clock-drawing test (from MoCA) improved in a statistically significant improvement between T0 and T1 for both groups without statistically significant differences between the experimental and comparison group.

Examining the domains of the Moca test in Table 3 improvements between T0 and T1 were noted for the four domains of visuospatial, attention, abstraction, and spatiotemporal orientation. A highly significant statistical difference was noted for the experimental respect comparison group for visuospatial, attention, and abstraction.

Our data show a significant improvement in effort tolerance and skeletal muscle strength, as measured on the 6MWT, especially for the non-sedentary participants classified according to the MBQOA compared to the control comparison group at baseline (T0). A statistically significant difference between the sedentary participants in the experimental group and the non-sedentary participants in the comparison group was noted at T1. Lower education levels did not correlate with lower scores on cognitive or physical testing. Compliance with the APA program was high with a frequency > 85% for all and no statistically difference between groups; no adverse events related to the study were recorded (Figure 1).


Our data show that an APA program combined with cognitive training (dual task condition) can help to maintain physical function and cognitive competences, with the benefit of preserving independence and quality of life in older adults. Our study indicates that training through cognitive stimulation coupled with APA interventions and respiratory education can be combined to improve cognitive domains (e.g., executive function, visuospatial abilities), delay the onset of dementia, and potentially aid in early identification of the illness. This is particularly so when, as in the present study, an APA program is combined with dual tasking.

The program intervention was found to be effective in improving mobility, physical and cognitive performance, and reducing pain symptoms without causing significant side effects. Furthermore, respiratory education was useful for improving physical performance, as reported elsewhere [49].

Comparison of the two groups showed that both programs led to improvement in physical performance (greater effort tolerance, skeletal and respiratory muscle strength) with particular benefit for improving and/or maintaining cognitive abilities (e.g., short- and long-term memory, verbal fluency, attention, and fine motor skills), as seen for the experimental group on the clockdrawing test.

A novel finding of our study was the improvement in cognitive capacities after exercise program intervention in both groups. The greater improvement seen for the experimental group underscores the benefit of an APA program that includes respiratory education and physical exercises in combination with cognitive training to improve verbal fluency, attention capacity, and fine motor skills, which are often associated with cognitive impairment in performing ADL. The small sample size notwithstanding, the study provides encouraging results: combined training at vigorous exercise intensity (80% heart rate) to improve physical and maintain or improve cognitive abilities can be an effective strategy to prevent or delay cognitive decline in the elderly. An environmental setting enriched with group activities and varied exercise routines is likely to stimulate cognitive plasticity and provide an additional protective factor within a wider prevention intervention than physical exercise alone as described also by Ben- Sadoun and Røe [50,51].

It is necessary to clarify that a potential limitation of this study is determined by the fact that, as described in the materials and methods, there were differences in the intensity of the exercise performed in the two study groups, together with the number of repetitions and even the exercises used they could help explain differences rather than additional cognitive training.

Our study results underline the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle into older age through regular group physical and structured cognitive stimulation activities, social participation, and pursuit of hobbies and interests. Engagement in such activities could have neuroprotective effects and help to delay the onset of cognitive decline associated with aging [52]. APA program interventions should be an integral part of health care for the elderly.


The authors wish to thank the staff at the Settimo Milanese (Milan) and Cesano Boscone (Milan) facilities of Fondazione Istituto Sacra Famiglia onlus and the participants for devoting their time.

Author Contributions Statement

Iride Ghezzi, Gianluca Giardini, Alessandro Lesmo, Stefano Daverio, Fabrizio Pregliasco

All authors were involved in to conception and design of the study.

GG and AL have performed all medical visits of subjects under study.

IG and SD performed training session and the functional evaluations of subjects.

FP performed the statistical analysis.

IG and FP analyzed and interpreted the data regarding the study and were some major contributors in writing the manuscript.


This study was supported by unconditional grants from the Fondazione Cenci Gallingani ONLUS, Cesano Boscone.

Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate

The study protocol was approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of Milan on April 18 2016.

Consent for Publication

Informed consent was obtained from all participants including consent for publication of their data.


Experimental group

Comparison group








Age (yrs)







Sex, female (no, %)







Education level (yrs)







Modified Baecke Questionnaire for Older Adults (no. Subjects, %)







Unless otherwise indicated, all values are the means (±standard deviation)

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the study sample.


Experimental group

Comparision group




Between group







T0 vs T1

VAS index (visual analog scale)












Abdominal circumference (cm)












Body-Mass Index (kg/m2)












Shoulder joint mobility (d)












6 Minute Walk Test












Timed Up and Go Test - Up (no. Rises from chair)












Timed Up and Go Test - Go (s.)












Dual-task test DTC (s.)












Montreal Cognitive Assessment test (maximum score 30)












Clock- drawing test (maximum score 3)












all values are the means (±standard deviation)

Table 2: Test results before (T0) and after (T1) intervention.

Experimental group

Comparison group




Between group

Montreal Cognitive Assessment test Domains








T0 vs T1





















































































all values are the means (±standard deviation)

Table 3: MoCa test scores before (T0) and after (T1) intervention.


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